Seamless integration. Flexible mapping.
Integrating your expense data between Concur and Sage Intacct is simplified and streamlined with ExpenseConnect.
This is a packaged cloud-to-cloud integration product that eliminates the need for your organization to manually download and manipulate files to integrate data between systems. ExpenseConnect allows you the flexibility to define the data mapping between Concur and Sage Intacct to fit your business requirements without costly custom development.
You may configure the product to integrate expense reports from Concur into any of the following Sage Intacct modules:
•General Ledger (Journal Entry)
•Accounts Payable (Bill)
•Time & Expense (Expense Report)
•Order Entry (Sales Invoice)
ExpenseConnect accommodates various currency transactions, multi-entity deployments of Sage Intacct, corporate card payments through Concur Expense Pay, and non-reimbursable expenses. Inquire about ExpenseConnect today and learn how this product can provide your organization with a clean, cost effective integration solution between Concur and Sage Intacct.
Key Benefits:
Using this integration also requires that you purchase Sage Intacct Platform Services.
Integration Approved Countries:
United States