vCheck by Shtar provides a payment solution to eliminate manual processing.
vCheck by Shtar automates payments and syncs transaction-related data directly from Sage to the recipient for ACH, RTP, and wire payments. Thus, it eliminates duplicate entries, automates bank account reconciliation, and provides easy transaction approval controls, all within your existing payment approval workflows.
Key Benefits:
Increase efficiency and save time
Shtar integrates Sage Intacct with your bank platform to automate and simplify the painstaking process of payment management. We reduce time spent by 96% and improve accuracy by 600%.
Simplify payment process
One-Click-Payment! Keep current workflows and payment processes going without disruption while moving to digital at the same time remain in complete control of your payment review and approval process!
Customizable Signing and Approval process
Shtar platform offers the possibility to set different layers of payments’ approval (role-based and additional permissions-based). The targeted users get notification about payments pending their approval.
Complete end-to-end automated payment solution
A smooth and streamlined one-step payment process. You can now pay vendors directly from Sage. No need to login into your bank or know the recipient's bank information or paper check handling.
Next Day Funding!
Your vendor will see the funds in their bank account within 24 hours. No more waiting 3 to 5 days for their money.
Keep everything in sync
The vCheck number will show on all the bank statements and in the automatic email that's sent to your vendor with the payment for easy tracking and auto reconciliation.
Speed up reconciliation
Remittance data is included in the automatic vendor payment notification email.
Your vendor can do a "Guest-Deposit" and does not have to create an account in Shtar in order to received their payments.
The vendor can setup the "Auto-Deposit" feature where all payments start depositing automatically, as soon as the payment is approved.
Designed with privacy and security in mind
Data in transit is encrypted using industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Flat $2.50 per transaction, and $5 per bank account, monthly.
Integration Approved Countries:
United States
SHTAR was established in 2018 and provides a B2B payment processing solution that interfaces existing accounting software applications (e.g. Sage, etc) with bank payment platforms, streamlining automation, and eliminating manual processes for the payor, bank, and payee.
SHTAR automates payments and syncs transaction-related data directly from the accounting software to the recipient. It eliminates duplicate data entry and streamlines transaction approval controls within existing accounting workflows.
After a payment that is entered in the accounting application is transferred to Shtar, the SHTAR platform software generates a vCheck™ (virtual check) that can be reviewed and approved digitally before being submitted for processing by the SHTAR user’s bank.
SHTAR’s vision is to completely autonomize commerce to advance the human experience.
SHTAR’s mission is to empower every member of our economy with autonomous reconciliation, predictive purchasing, and touchless transactions.