• Domo Apps for Sage Intacct

    Domo combines Sage Intacct data with data from any other system into a single dashboard.

  • Sage Intacct data is essential to finance organizations—from department heads trying to calculate ROI to analysts trying to forecast revenue. With Domo, stakeholders can visualize Sage Intacct data together with data from any data source (CRM, eCommerce, marketing, Excel, etc.).

    Domo delivers real-time insights into the financial indicators affecting your business and driving your bottom line. Fiscal performance impacts executive decision-making every day, but financial reports are just one piece of the puzzle. In order to make smart decisions, executives need to see financial data alongside metrics from other corners of the business. And it's your job to deliver that big picture view in a way that makes sense to everyone.

    Key Benefits:

    Domo and Sage Intacct

    Bring it all together: Nothing impacts enterprise business decisions like your bottom line—but that line can be a moving target. Domo delivers real-time insights from every corner of your business so you can know what campaigns are working and when it is time to change course.

    Monitor financial performance at a glance: They say you aren't really making money until you're making money in your sleep. Domo delivers fresh reporting and real-time forecasting so you always know where you stand.

    Empower your organization: Intuitive visualizations demystify complex financial reports so it's easy to close the loop on all your business initiatives and help everyone in your organization find answers to their own financial questions.

    Domo: A Solution for Every Role

    Leadership: Ensuring compliance with changing regulations is enough to keep any executive awake, but that's just one part of your job. You need to steer the financial ship while communicating value to investors, analysts, and employees—all while planning for the future. Domo's executive dashboards make this easier by transforming data into actionable insights.

    Controller: You know Excel shortcuts like the back of your hand. If you're using spreadsheets for ad hoc calculations, great—but using them week in and week out to communicate with your team and create reports? That's a nightmare. Domo makes spreadsheets and other datasets work together in real-time, so you can take action quickly and pivot when necessary.

    Accountants: P&L, AP/AR, ROI—accountants speak with a language all their own. With so much data on your plate, it can be hard to make sure nothing slips by unnoticed. Domo lets you view financial data holistically so it's easier to spot anomalies.

    Analysts: Teams look to you for accurate financial reporting, but the assessments you make hinge on the data behind them. Domo's intelligent tools breathe new life into static spreadsheets so you can have confidence in the metrics you're sharing with execs.

    For more information visit: https://www.domo.com/appstore/connector/sage-intacct-connector/overview?utm_source=intacct&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Organic_Other_Global&utm_campid=701f2000001C6UTAA0

      System Requirements:
      To enable the integration, Sage Intacct users are NOT required to purchase: Sage Intacct Web Services - Developer License

      Paid Application

      Integration Approved Countries:
      United States;

      Domo is the Business Cloud, empowering organizations of all sizes with BI leverage at cloud scale, in record time. With Domo, BI-critical processes that took weeks, months or more can now be done on-the-fly, in minutes or seconds, at unbelievable scale. 

      For more information about how Domo (Nasdaq: DOMO) helps its customers go fast, go big and go bold, visit www.domo.com.

      Phone: (800) 899-1000
      Website: https://www.domo.com/
      Year Founded: 2011
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