• ForecastPro

    Streamlining the construction forecast process through a single user interface within Sage Intacct.

  • ForecastPro significantly enhances efficiency and productivity by centralizing all relevant data into a single customizable interface, reducing the time spent navigating multiple screens and reports. Users can achieve up to 50% time savings in the forecasting process. The tool improves accuracy with real-time variance visibility and comparisons with current and previous forecasts, facilitating timely and informed decision-making.

    Integration and automation are seamless, fully integrating with Sage Intacct and maintaining a consistent user experience with native functionality. ForecastPro automatically synchronizes project estimates, minimizing manual entry and errors. This tool provides project managers with an efficient way to forecast ongoing jobs and make real-time adjustments with ease.

    More information can be found at www.sockeyeconsulting.com, and a video overview can be found on our YouTube channel!

    Key Benefits:
    Intuitive User Interface

    • User-Centric Design: Designed to mirror Sage Intacct’s native interface, offering filterable and dynamic subtotals for an intuitive user experience.
    • Real-Time Variance Analysis: Provides immediate insights into variances, allowing users to swiftly identify and visually understand their changes. It also gives users immediate visibility into changes in gross profit and margin based on forecast adjustments.
    • Flexible Drafting and Saving: Allows users to draft and save forecasts midstream, offering the flexibility to revisit and refine forecasts before finalizing.
    Seamless Integration with Sage Intacct
    • Native Functionality: ForecastPro is built on Sage Intacct’s architecture, ensuring smooth integration and adherence to existing user permissions.
    • Comprehensive Data Synchronization: ForecastPro pulls together data from across various Sage Intacct modules and posts updates directly back to the project estimate, enhancing workflow efficiency.
    Advanced Forecasting Tools
    • Detailed Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Initiate forecasts with a complete WBS for each job, eliminating redundant data entry.
    • Flexible Data Input Methods: Allows input by unit x quantity or in total dollar amounts, accommodating diverse forecasting needs, and enables tracking estimated amounts by production units.
    Enhanced Decision Support
    • Continuous Forecasting Cycles: Allows users to update forecasts as frequently as needed, ensuring they reflect the most current information. This flexibility is crucial for adjusting forecasts when new information arises, enabling more accurate and timely decision-making.
    • Integrated Data Review: Displays commitments and actual costs alongside forecast inputs, ensuring comprehensive data availability.


    ForecastPro significantly enhances efficiency and productivity by centralizing all relevant data into a single interface, reducing the time spent navigating multiple screens and reports. Users can achieve up to 50% time savings in the forecasting process. The tool improves accuracy with real-time variance visibility and comparisons with current and previous forecasts, facilitating timely and informed decision-making.

    This product is a user-interface that is layered into the existing Sage Intacct product through an iframe placed within a platform application. Queries are completed on loading but the data is not stored anywhere externally. The following queries need to be completed:
    • Jobs (Projects)
    • Cost Codes (including logged production units)
    • Cost Types
    • Actual GL Amounts per Construction QuickStart categories
    • Purchasing documents with reporting types of “Purchase Order” or “Subcontract”
    • Job Estimates (by estimate types)



    Integrating with this application requires you to use the SenderID designated by Sage. By using this SenderID, you do not need to buy a web services developer license from Sage and your API usage will not count towards your API performance tier. Sage may prevent customers from integrating with this application under a different SenderID.  

    Using this integration also requires that you purchase Sage Intacct Construction, Business or Project Manager User, Platform Services and ICRW (recommended for included report).

    Annual subscription + 1 time setup fee

    Integration Approved Countries:
    Canada; United States

    We are the human side of accounting software. Our approach is based on three key traits: innovation, empathy, and grit. And it rests on these two pillars:

    1. Maximizing the effort spent on understanding your business and your objectives on the deepest level possible.

    2. Providing the expert guidance and solutions you need so you can continue to grow and improve long after implementation.

    This approach has propelled Sockeye forward in recent years. We have been growing, helping more customers, and welcoming new members to our team. Through it all, we continue to develop lasting relationships and trust with you, our clients.

    We are a team of driven problem solvers that elevate your business through technology. Sockeye's core values have empowered us to build a vibrant and innovative business. 

    Phone: (907) 258-2642
    Website: https://sockeyeconsulting.com/
    Year Founded: 2007
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