• Synergist - Agency management software

    Team Sage Intacct with Synergist for the ultimate mid-market agency management system.

  • Synergist is the UK’s leading agency management software, proven to deliver the control and visibility needed to successfully win and deliver creative projects as you scale. With integration including invoice transfer to Sage Intacct and live payment info to Synergist, the entire agency benefits from a unified solution.

    Streamline the entire project lifecycle – From initial enquiry to estimating, planning, tracking, billing. Gain the benefits of a single solution at each stage.
    Improve project and agency profitability – From smarter estimating to live visibility of project, client or team profitability. Drive continual profitability improvements.
    Schedule team resource and forecast capacity – Manage team utilisation to balance quality of work, team workloads and overservicing whilst making longer term hiring vs freelancer decisions.
    Dashboards to custom reporting tools – From simple KPI’s and automated alerts to more detailed dashboards and a powerful custom visual reporting tool. Synergist feeds you the essential information needed to drive controlled, profitable growth.

    Key Benefits:
    Why Synergist and Sage Intacct?

    Scalable, best of breed solution – Sage Intacct gives you the leading mid-market cloud accounting platform and by adding Synergist you get the leading agency management solution to meet the needs of a growing creative agency, including multi – company and international trading requirements.
    Easy and accurate invoicing process – A proven invoicing process for the creative environment, re-using quotes / actual costs as well as billing schedules. With a powerful yet intuitive approval process, you obtain the billing accuracy you need without all the manual chasing, ensuring invoices go out right, first time.
    Seamless transfer of information – Both sales invoices and approved purchase invoices, as well as expenses and payment information are transferred between Synergist and Intacct. Projects and client service staff have live access to the data they need for effective project and client management, whilst making the most of billing opportunities.
    Powerful insights into project and agency profitability  Synergist has a suite of reporting tools from alerts to customisable dashboards, standard reports and a custom drag and drop report builder. These deliver both proactive alerts ensuring timely corrective actions, as well as powerful insights into which areas are driving profitability and which need more focus.


    Integrating with this application requires you to use the partner’s SenderID. By using the partner’s SenderID, you do not need to buy a web services developer license from Sage and your API usage will not count towards your API performance tier. Sage may prevent customers from integrating with this application under their own SenderID. 

    Monthly subscription of full users (from £33) and timesheet (from £13) users. Intacct integration is included.

    Integration Approved Countries:
    United Kingdom


    Our incredible journey began with a simple goal: to help professional services businesses streamline operations and increase profits.
    As we closely collaborated with agencies, we recognised their need for a unique solution to effectively manage their projects, clients, opportunities, resources, financials, and reporting - essentially every aspect of running a successful agency.

    So, in 2003, with input from agencies of all shapes and sizes, Synergist agency management software was born.
    Over the past 20 years, we've dedicated ourselves to refining our agency software, developing it into a powerful platform that has helped to propel the UK's leading agencies forward.

    Phone: +44 1625 572 690
    Website: https://www.synergist.co.uk/
    Year Founded: 2003
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