• Employer of Record Solution for Sage Intacct

    The key integration point GP is sending to Sage is Accounts Payable data.

  • Globalization Partners will send Sage Intacct aggregated spend by country per customer via API. The benefit of the integration is that shared customers can see their aggregate spend by country from Globalization Partners within Sage Intacct. This gives customers a centralized view of their spend across internal employees and employees hired through Globalization Partners.

    Key Benefits:

    • Increased efficiency and visibility – once synchronized, all A/P data flows into Sage Intacct
    • Aggregate country level A/P data is passed to Sage Intacct as journal entries
    • Map locations within Globalization Partners to Sage Intacct for a holistic view of spending across locations


    Integrating with this application requires you to use the partner’s SenderID. By using the partner’s SenderID, you do not need to buy a web services developer license from Sage and your API usage will not count towards your API performance tier. Sage may prevent customers from integrating with this application under their own SenderID. 

    Pricing is a % of Payroll. It varies from Country to Country. For example: 12% in Canada.

    Integration Approved Countries:
    United States

    Globalization Partners enables you to hire in 187 countries within days, and without the need to set up costly international subsidiaries. Your clients identify great talent anywhere in the world, and we put them on our fully compliant global payroll—lifting the burden of globalcorporate tax, legal, and HR matters from their shoulders to ours. Whether it’s to test a new market or to hire internationally, we’ll have your clients up and running in a
    new country in days, not months.

    Phone: (972) 754-6926
    Website: https://www.globalization-partners.com/
    Year Founded: 2012
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