• Datarails

    Datarails is a financial planning and analysis platform for Excel users who use Sage

  • Datarails and Sage Intacct enable customers to access all their financial and operational data independently. Customers are able to support planning, analysis and reporting needs on-the-go to drive faster and more effective business decisions.

    With Datarails, Sage users can automate data consolidation, reporting and planning, while using their own Excel spreadsheets and financial models.

    Key Benefits:

    Data is a precious resource, but not everyone has the expertise to leverage it.
    Benefits of Datarails Integration for Sage Intacct:

    • Discover insights by performing variance, horizontal, and vertical analyses and slicing and dicing data

    • Reduce inefficiencies by automating tedious consolidation processes and accelerating work cycles

    • Produce powerpoints and reports with precise figures drawn from your consolidated database and updated in real-time with a simple click of a button

    • Inspect a cell-level audit trail, enjoy full version control, and compare any two spreadsheets thanks to built-in data integrity

    By using Datarails Integration to connect their Sage Intacct data as well as other data sources to Datarails, companies benefit from easy access to all their organizational data and profit from the reduction of inefficiencies, unparalleled data integrity, and valuable insights. 
    • Reduce Unnecessary Inefficiencies

    Let Datarails take care of repetitive work including consolidation and data aggregation as you focus on value-added responsibilities, accelerate your work cycles, and improve time management. Datarails’ automated platform saves time, no longer making you choose between what were once necessary manual processes and value-added work.

    • Have confidence in your numbers

    Datarails continuously structures, stores, and updates all your Sage Intacct and Excel-based data on a cloud-based centralized database, resulting in built-in data integrity. Finally, easily understand where your numbers come from and trust that they’re accurate. Count on one version of the truth, and trust that it’ll help you make the right decisions.

    • Uncover previously hidden insights

    With all Sage Intacct and Excel-based data merged and located in one place, easily pull all relevant information for real-time analysis of any possible scenario and exercise drill-downs to the lowest level line-item. With increased transparency, uncover insights formerly inaccessible and invisible to the eye


    System Requirements:
    To enable the integration, Sage Intacct users are NOT required to purchase: Sage Intacct Web Services - Developer License

    Monthly subscription

    Integration Approved Countries:
    United States;

    Datarails is a financial planning and analysis platform that automates data consolidation, reporting and planning, while enabling finance teams to continue using their own Excel spreadsheets and financial models.

    Automating these time-consuming manual processes paves the way for finance teams to spend more time analyzing data and less time gathering it. 
    It also empowers them to answer essential strategic questions like what their organization can do to increase revenue and reduce expenses.

    Website: http://www.datarails.com
    Year Founded: 2015
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