• ConnectBooster

    Phone: (877) 733-6584
    Website: https://www.connectbooster.com/
    Year Founded: 2011

  • ConnectBooster was Created Out of Pain

    Before we developed ConnectBooster, we were not being paid on time, we had outstanding accounts receivable, slow-paying clients, and cash-flow issues. So we did what most stressed-out entrepreneurs do: we went seeking a solution, and when we couldn’t find it, we built it ourselves, and so ConnectBooster was born under the umbrella of BNG Holdings Inc.

    The BNG Team:

    We have the goal to continue to grow, improve, and remind ourselves of what our company stands for. In an effort to do so, we have established our Core Values. A core value is defined as a principle that guides an organization’s internal conduct, as well as its relationship with the world. These ideals represent the driving force behind BNG Team, and the amazing people that make up our company family in Fargo, ND. These are the same ethics that have been with us from the beginning, and we apply to every person we encounter.

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